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It’s Friday and the randomness is running rampant.

THANK GOD it is time for Friday randomness, because today my thinking skills = zero. I went out for drinks with a friend last night so between that, Miss T’s ill-timed and long-lasting nighttime waking and the fact that my husband had to be at work earlier than usual I am not nearly functioning at […]

A post about food.

I was having a lengthy e-mail conversation with my sister (Sher) today, in which she was describing her experience trying to get a refund from a restaurant that overcharged her. She went to a bachelorette party over the weekend and somehow got triple-charged when trying to pay for dinner. The girls split the bill 5 […]

Happy Mother’s Day, here’s your pinkeye*

I’m having a very nice Mother’s Day so far. I got up with Miss T for her usual 4:30a.m. feeding and we had some pleasant alone time (she was quite awake for about 30 minutes) where she cuddled and cooed and smiled. Then she drifted right back to sleep and I went back to bed, […]

It’s Friday, get your random pointlessness here

Miss T’s daycare teachers gave me a little gift for Mother’s Day – a small decorative plate with her footprint, name and the year (I’m not explaining it all that well, but I think you get the point).  It even has a little display stand, so I’ve set it up on my desk at work.  The […]

There are many links in this post. Also, Nerd Alert!!

I think I have finally realized why all of my posts are nothing more than random tidbits strung together. That’s pretty much how my life is too. There has been no single large event of late, just a series of small pieces. So there you have it.