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Widgets and nostalgia

Um. I’m feeling marginally crabby today due to having to answer an inordinate amount of Very Stupid Questions and deal with an equally large number of Incredibly Asinine Situations at work. Here’s a helpful hint to avoid my wrath: please do not argue with me about the amount of a standard item to be included […]

More Friday Randomness

Last night I put Miss T down for the night as usual. About 15 minutes later she started to fuss so I went into her pitch-black bedroom (save for the world’s crappiest nightlight) and reached into her crib. I expected to touch nothing but, oh I DON’T KNOW, the BABY? Instead the first thing I […]

Studies in human behavior

When last we visited Food Stealing Lady (mere days ago), she was taking food that might possibly have been mistaken for community goods. I mean, not really, since it was in a specific area that she had no business in, and since it was obviously a potluck-style mishmash of contributions of which none were hers, […]

Warning: this post contains no coherent theme.

Miss T is officially four months old now. When we went for her 4-month checkup, the doctor suggested starting her on solids soon. Not as a source of nutrition so much as just to get her used to the texture and feel of eating from a spoon. It seems early to me still, so I […]

Friday randomness

There is a woman at my workplace who has apparently developed a new habit – trolling other departments looking for free food. Wednesday was Administrative Professionals Day, so we brought in sandwich trays, fruit and desserts as an appreciation lunch for the admin staff in our department. Prior to lunch we were storing the food […]