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In space no one can hear you scream.

Look at my pretty shiny site! I picked out a new template and then my husband fixed it all up for me because I am kind of technologically challenged (to say the least – why do you think none of my posts have photos? BECAUSE I AM TOO DUMB TO DO IT). So yay! I […]

Psycho-pedia. Hee.

Well, it looks like I have settled back into a one-post-per-month routine again without meaning to. I’m not even going to make any sort of promises about posting more often, I think we all know that is a dirty, dirty lie. Instead, I will give you another one of my Bullet Point Lists of Randomness:

An update! But not the update you are hoping for.

So, life goes on here at the NonSoccerMom-Modernish Father household.  Currently, we’re spending a rather relaxing Christmas Day doing whatever we want.  Usually we’re in the midst of extended family gatherings, but since the baby could come any day now we opted to stay close to home (and NOT host anyone at our house, either).

Well, hello!

Okay, you guys, I just flat don’t understand why I have been SO FREAKING BUSY for the last few months. Won’t someone please give the poor pregnant girl a break? As you may have surmised, quite a lot has been going on around here lately. AE and I went to Disney World with my family, […]

Tired, sick, busy, blah…

Wow, it’s been a crazy few weeks over here. I have been positively drowning at work (we’re short-staffed right now, plus people have been out on vacation), and when I get home I’ve been so tired I can’t do anything but go to bed. And I had my dance recital on Memorial Day weekend, so […]