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Thank you, Thursday, I AM DONE.

Last night as AE and I were coming home after soccer, something fell from the garage ceiling with a plop. And landed about 6 inches from where I was standing. I didn’t think too much of it, because really, what could it be? A clump of mud? A rock? A hunk of grass? All fairly […]

I’m back! Again!

After swearing in my last post that I wouldn’t go so long between posts, here I am again. Two more weeks of nothingness. Hey! Sounds pretty much like my life! So, here is a brief update, in bulleted form.

…the code is more what you’d call “guidelines” than actual rules.*

There is a woman at my office that seems to be confused about the dress code. The rule is “business casual”, which around here is a little more casual than business. We do have Casual Fridays, which means we can wear jeans (Within reason. I got the “We Can’t Walk Around Looking Like Student Workers” […]

ehhhhhhhhhhh. blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

So there you have it. I just haven’t felt like writing lately. I’m not sick or anything, just lazy and unmotivated, I guess. But I’ve been having guilt or something about not posting anything lately, so here is a summation of the last week or so.