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You may have noticed, I go through phases around here.  During some of them, I seem to have lots to say, plenty going on, and the energy to write about all of it.  Some other phases, however, are down cycles consisting primarily of The Lazy.  And right now, I am smack in the middle of […]

Clearly unpublished for a reason

But does that stop me from publishing it now?  No it does not.  I’m wondering why I even have categories on this blog.  Pretty much everything gets funneled straight into “general pointlessness”.  My tagline should be “Hopelessly random and pointless”.  It’s a sad state of affairs. Anyway, I was clearing out some very old unpublished […]

So Much to Say

Y’all y’all y’all!  You are going to find this surprising but guess what?!  I have nothing of interest to say!  I KNOW.  I nearly fell over from the shock myself.  So, in lieu of actual fascinating content, I’m going to redo a meme I did awhile back.  I know, I know, no one likes memes […]

How people find this blog

Usually when I get the monthly analytics report for this blog, it contains seventy thousand variations on “soccer mom”, which does not come as a surprise.  “Not a soccer mom”, “soccer mom car”, “soccermom”, that sort of thing.  Often there will be something like “I scored a soccer mom”, which, HAAAAAAAAAAAAA. This month I had […]

Day #5 – Updates, crankypants

My calculations from yesterday were slightly flawed – Miss T screamed for about two minutes last night.  That’s it though, so hopefully tonight will be zero minutes.  Of course, she irked the crap out of me first thing this morning by waking up at 6:57.  This was of course the one day this week that […]