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This is why.

This is what I’m dealing with, people.  STILL.  And you wonder why I’m half insane.

The puzzling sleep patterns of the N. modernishfather

I’m going through one of my occasional bouts of insomnia.  This happens to me every six months or so, I have about a week-long period where my sleep is for crap.  This time it’s made worse by the fact that N’s CPAP machine seems to be having issues. 

Movie Review – The Bank Job

As I’ve mentioned before, I love me some Jason Statham.  So into the queue went The Bank Job.  In addition to Statham-related yummyness, it had the added bonus of being a movie that N would watch with me.  Those are few and far between.

Friday Randomness

Today after work I’m leaving for Houston to visit my sister and even though I’ve been working working working like a busy little bee, today is still dragging.  So I give you Friday Randomness, something I haven’t done in a while. ***** AE lost his first tooth yesterday!  It took a little assistance from my […]

Clearly unpublished for a reason

But does that stop me from publishing it now?  No it does not.  I’m wondering why I even have categories on this blog.  Pretty much everything gets funneled straight into “general pointlessness”.  My tagline should be “Hopelessly random and pointless”.  It’s a sad state of affairs. Anyway, I was clearing out some very old unpublished […]