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The pursuit of thankfulness

As was probably obvious in the last post, I’m feeling rather…put upon. And crabby. And because of events out of our control, N’s trip to SF has been delayed by a day. Less than a day, actually, but he was scheduled to arrive tonight and now won’t be here until around 3 pm or so […]

Just like a grownup

Y’all! I managed to navigate the San Francisco bus system and get from point A to point B ALL BY MYSELF. You may not be impressed, but this is a big thing for me. Here’s the deal. Whenever we travel I have N as a guide (enabler) all the time, see, and so I don’t […]


I know, I know. Believe me, I am very aware that it has been entirely too long since my last post. I could give you a ton of excuses, but that’s exactly what they would be. The truth of the matter is, I’m just lazy. There’s been plenty to write about – finishing school, going […]

2011, in a nutshell (kind of)

If interested for comparison purposes, you can find 2010’s end-of-year summary here.  If you write one, let me know in the comments – I love reading these as much as I love writing them! 1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before? Maintained a 4.0 GPA.  Made a one-day out-of-state trip […]

Obligatory post-trip update

Okay, so I got back from Qatar on November 3.  Sue me, okay? You read this blog, you get what you pay for. Anyhow.  Qatar, yes.  A couple of coworkers and I were sent to our campus in Doha to meet with some researchers face-to-face prior to a big proposal deadline.  And I am here […]