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Guess what?  As if I didn’t already have enough going on, I’ve booked another trip this summer!  But this one’s work-related.  In July, I will be flying to a conference in…wait for it… Providence, Rhode Island. Please, try and contain your excitement.  You’re scaring the children. I’m actually really looking forward to the trip.  I’ve […]

It’s a party!

Yesterday was my 31st birthday, and we celebrated in a number of ways.  Because you’re never too old to have a days-long celebration, right?  (RIGHT.) Thursday my mom came into town to watch the kids so that N and I could go out and have some time to ourselves.  So we headed out mid-afternoon and […]

Not your typical Oscars post

Back when I actually had time to go to the movies, I used to love the Oscars.  I’d be all excited about it for the entire week before, and would be glued to the TV from the red carpet pre-show all the way until they announced Best Picture. Today, though, I find that I simply […]

I love this sort of thing!

Does that make me self-centered?  I totally love answering memes and quizzes and basically getting the opportunity to talk about myself.  Oh well.  I’m always looking for a quick and fun post idea, so many thanks to my friend Allison for posting this over on her blog!  (And I’m late to the party, OF COURSE.  […]

Two things: One important, the other less so.

Two completely unrelated things, that is, but N is out of town for the evening and I’m sitting here with hours of lonely Friday evening stretching before me, so this is what you get.