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None of these things belong together, none of these things are kind of the same

Today my lovely friend Shelly loaned me Guitar Hero:  Metallica because she knows the depth of my Metallica devotion.  Her hubby shares the same level of adoration, so they bought the Wii game when it was released this last weekend.  I was on the fence about whether or not I wanted to spend the money […]

Conversations with AE

AE continues to crack me up with some of the stuff he says.  And I’m sure it is only a matter of time before I’ll get to do this for Miss T as well – even though she doesn’t say much yet she still goes out of her way to make people laugh.  Hams, the both of them.

Friday randomness

Okay, so I totally went back for the wine goblet.  But then I discovered that it cost fifteen dollars.  I’m sorry to say that my cheapness trumps awesomeness.  Five dollars, okay.  Maybe ten if I were feeling particularly spendy, but I draw the line at fifteen.  Sorry, folks!

Three unrelated things

THING #1 OH MY HELL.  I know that Miss T is totally different from AE.  I know this, yet it seems I am constantly reminded of just HOW different. 

And this is why N doesn’t let me shop alone

Supposedly my work schedule allows me to leave at 4:30 every day.  Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t, due to the deadline-intensive nature of my job.  If I have a proposal that must be submitted by close of business and I don’t have it done by 4:30, I have to stay until 5.