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It’s been so long since I posted here that I forgot how to log in.  Well, in the interest of full disclosure: the blog redesign took the admin link off my home page and I didn’t know the web address to get in through the back door so N had to text it to me […]

Kicking the habit

We’ve been trying to break Miss T of her pervasive home paci habit for quite a while now (she doesn’t use one at school).  And by “we” I mean me, N and her grandmothers.  But mostly me, because it drives me half insane to listen to her talk around it.  You’d think that having a […]

A conversation with Miss T

Subtitled: This is what they’re teaching in the three-year-old class? Sub-subtitled: Anatomy 101, for those who are in need of a refresher course* Tonight we were doing the usual pre-bath routine – the one where I wait for what seems like an eternity for Miss T to…finish her business.  We’ve found it speeds the process […]


Dear Miss T: Happy birthday, little one.  Three years, wow!  Look at you, getting all big and stuff. You, missy, certainly keep us all on our toes.  You’re just always up to something – whether with the intent of mischief or not.  For example, one morning when I went to get you out of bed, […]

From the outside listening in

Scene: Dinnertime, kitchen.  I’m putting away the clean silverware.  N is sitting nearby. Me: This silverware is getting nasty.  We’re going to need to replace it.  It offends me. N: Yeah, I know.  That’s okay, we’ll have to go to IKEA soon anyway to get a thing for his thing.  [looks meaningfully at AE] AE: […]