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Weekend wrapup of sorts. Subtitled: It Sucked. The End.

So! The last several days have been rather…crappy. And that doesn’t really even begin to cover it. Miss T is teething and WOW, I had forgotten how much that phase blows. She fussed and screamed pretty much continuously for the long weekend so that was fun. It seemed especially horrible because she is so good […]

It’s Friday and you know what that means

My mood has improved approximately 400% over yesterday. It’s amazing what a decent night of sleep and the knowledge that you are only working a half-day will do for you.

AE’s birth story. 5 years, 8 months and 7 days after the fact.

I am in an exceedingly foul mood today for a variety of uninteresting reasons. I had started a whiny, bitchy post that detailed each and every one of those reasons but I realized that it was just making me crankier and who wants to read a post like that anyway? So instead I have decided […]

Miss T’s birth story. Finally.

I was sitting on the couch last night this morning holding a drowsy Miss T when I realized that I never posted her birth story. N wrote his version of it ages ago, you can find that here. But I thought maybe I should record my interpretation of events for posterity as well, so here […]

The segues in this post are terrible, but I tried.

The tickets have been purchased and the time off has been approved. On Friday afternoon N and I are going out to lunch, and then going to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull!