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Children, clothing and chocolate

We have mobility! Miss T rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time yesterday. She was so proud of herself, too – once she did it, she got very smiley and started cooing and kicking excitedly. Too funny. Hopefully we can get a series of “action shot” photos this weekend. (Which […]

April showers bring much SUCKINESS. I hate you, April.

If we were keeping score, here is what it would be: Month of April = 3,472,803 Family of nonsoccermom/Modernish Father = 0 Reasons why I hate April and wish it was May, already (in list form, because that seems to be the only way I can write a post these days):

An unscheduled “break” in my work day

So, the daycare called me this morning at 8:45 saying that I needed to come get AE – he had been crying with an earache practically since I dropped him off. Of course, as soon as I got there the tears immediately stopped and he was all “Yay! I get to go home and have […]

Well! Oops.

So last night AE was feeding the dog when suddenly we heard the unmistakable sound of dry dog food spilling all over a tile floor.  There was a brief pause, then a small voice said “DAMN IT” with just the right amount of irritation.  And of course, my knee-jerk reaction was to crack up laughing. […]

Psycho-pedia. Hee.

Well, it looks like I have settled back into a one-post-per-month routine again without meaning to. I’m not even going to make any sort of promises about posting more often, I think we all know that is a dirty, dirty lie. Instead, I will give you another one of my Bullet Point Lists of Randomness: