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Boring updates, because in all honesty my life is kinda dull.

I just can’t figure out Miss T. Her sleep habits are all over the place. One night she goes down easy and stays down until midnight or 12:30, then we have hell trying to get her back to sleep when she wakes up to eat. (Yes, she is still waking up almost every night to […]

Friday randomness plus unsolicited advice for movie-goers

I’m busy, you guys. Crazy busy at work and I don’t even really know why. It is all a bunch of frustrating super-thinky crap, not usual stuff. It is making my brain hurt so please pardon the fact that this post is even more disjointed than usual.

Fun scary movies!! If you like that sort of thing.

I’m participating in the Movie Madness Carnival over at Daily Mish Mash, so if you enjoy reading movie-related stuff (which I obviously do), pop on over and check out the other participants.

Weekend wrapup of sorts. Subtitled: It Sucked. The End.

So! The last several days have been rather…crappy. And that doesn’t really even begin to cover it. Miss T is teething and WOW, I had forgotten how much that phase blows. She fussed and screamed pretty much continuously for the long weekend so that was fun. It seemed especially horrible because she is so good […]

It’s Friday and you know what that means

My mood has improved approximately 400% over yesterday. It’s amazing what a decent night of sleep and the knowledge that you are only working a half-day will do for you.