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It’s Friday and the randomness is running rampant.

THANK GOD it is time for Friday randomness, because today my thinking skills = zero. I went out for drinks with a friend last night so between that, Miss T’s ill-timed and long-lasting nighttime waking and the fact that my husband had to be at work earlier than usual I am not nearly functioning at […]

An amendment, plus a bonus story about spit

My husband seems to feel that I left a crucial movie off of yesterday’s list. As I explained to him in the comments, while I cannot watch this movie, technically it doesn’t belong on the list because I have never seen it in its entirety. Semantics, I suppose.

Now for a list of movies I DO NOT like.

Well, yesterday we visited the topic of the movies I love. Today, a list of movies that I really hate and the super-logical reasons why. This list is shorter (and fairly all-inclusive) – I am pretty accepting of weak plots and poor acting, and I really do like most of the movies I see. Mostly […]

Movies I like, including mini-reviews! Whee!

Today I felt like making a list. So without further ado: A List, In No Particular Order, of NonSoccerMom’s Favorite Flicks (undoubtedly missing a few because I am nothing if not forgetful):

There are many links in this post. Also, Nerd Alert!!

I think I have finally realized why all of my posts are nothing more than random tidbits strung together. That’s pretty much how my life is too. There has been no single large event of late, just a series of small pieces. So there you have it.