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Just like a grownup

Y’all! I managed to navigate the San Francisco bus system and get from point A to point B ALL BY MYSELF. You may not be impressed, but this is a big thing for me. Here’s the deal. Whenever we travel I have N as a guide (enabler) all the time, see, and so I don’t […]


I know, I know. Believe me, I am very aware that it has been entirely too long since my last post. I could give you a ton of excuses, but that’s exactly what they would be. The truth of the matter is, I’m just lazy. There’s been plenty to write about – finishing school, going […]


I am not really a “typical” woman when it comes to a lot of things.  I don’t particularly like to cuddle or hold hands.  I tend to be cranky and temperamental.  I’m an anal-retentive control freak that is militant about a large number of household-related tasks.  I am completely lacking in sympathy and therefore make a terrible nursemaid.  […]


Dear Miss T: Happy birthday, little one.  Three years, wow!  Look at you, getting all big and stuff. You, missy, certainly keep us all on our toes.  You’re just always up to something – whether with the intent of mischief or not.  For example, one morning when I went to get you out of bed, […]

32 things I adore about you

To my husband, on his 32nd birthday: 1.  You take AE to school every morning, because you know that particular brand of traffic makes me stabby. 2.  You gave up your car and volunteered to drive my 9-year-old 4Runner without a second thought, because you knew that BMW was what I really, really wanted. 3.  […]