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To my daughter on her first birthday

Wow.  When I was a kid, I used to make fun of my dad for lamenting the all-too-quick passage of time.  But now I believe it completely, for it simply is unreal that my precious baby girl is one year old today. 


Today AE turns six years old.  I’m really not great at writing stuff that doesn’t involve a lot of sarcasm and/or CAPS LOCK but thought in honor of my little man I would give it a go today.

Friday Randomness in the form of a photo essay.

I am really hyper at the moment!  And I have positively no idea why, but I do find it preferable to the extreme sleepiness that I am usually feeling this time of day.  When you get as little quality sleep as I do, you do not question where the energy is coming from.  You are […]

Update, plus illness-induced reminiscing. Sorry about that.

My husband commented last night that my last post may have been a bit melodramatic and misleading. Miss T hasn’t been screaming continuously all night or anything, my main concern has been with getting her to sleep in the first place. She wasn’t sleeping through the night anyway, but that doesn’t bother me so much […]

Now with 100% less complaining!

Well, after my last super-ranty post, I thought maybe it was time for something a little more fun. And a lot more appreciative. So I have stolen this idea from Pickles and Dimes, a blog that I have just recently discovered but totally adore. Here is the list of things I love (not including items […]