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My coworkers are so lucky.  This morning I was just a ray of sunshine.  (Surprise!)  Actually, truth be told I was completely fine until a series of (unrelated) e-mails that sent me completely over the edge from cheerful(ish) to utterly homicidal in a matter of moments.

Friday Randomness

It seems that the dentist is recommending a lingual frenectomy for AE.  Basically, he is tongue tied and needs the little connector flap underneath his tongue clipped so that he can stick his tongue out all the way.  Right now when he sticks his tongue out the tip of it looks forked.  See: I have asked about it […]

A few work-related ponderings and observations

I haven’t been blindingly busy at work lately, so I’ve had time to stop and smell the roses.  Or more accurately, time to notice all the quirky things that go on around my workplace.  I know I’ve touched on some of these subjects before, but that’s one of my most endearing traits – the ability […]

More e-mail fun

Yet another cut-and-paste from an e-mail conversation with my sister.  This one goes downhill quickly, folks.  Our mother would be horrified (as usual).  Poor Mom.  She tried so hard to raise proper ladies. Me: This is like the longest day ever. I’m working but today is passing so SLOW for some reason!! GAAAAAAAH. Sher: Yes […]

In the beginning

I’ve been following Linda over at All & Sundry for ages (since even before her oldest son was born, I think) and her posts are always well written, insightful, and usually quite hilarious.  I enjoyed this post (and the subsequent comments) so much that I had to write one too.  (Because I am nothing if […]