One day at a time, that’s how

My freakout has begun.  You know, the I’m-starting-grad-school-in-10-days-while-working-full-time-and-parenting-two-young-kids-I-barely-keep-on-top-of-my-life-as-it-is-mother-of-God-what-have-I-done freakout. What, you’ve never had one of those? I ordered my textbooks online through Amazon last week and one arrived yesterday.  I skimmed through it and was immediately transported back into my very first sociology class, a place where I was introduced to the word “paradigm” and […]

Movie reviews x4

In no particular order (or genre, really), here are spoiler-free reviews of what I’ve been watching this summer: Zombieland – I really didn’t think I’d like it at all.  I’m not a Woody Harrelson fan.  In fact, I’m anti-Harrelson.  So much so that my Netflixed copy of the movie sat there for two months (TOTALLY making […]

The things I do

Hello from Providence, Rhode Island!  I’ve been here since Monday evening, attending a work conference.  I won’t bore you with the conference details, but I was the single person chosen from my office to attend.  (Because it was my turn.  But still – yay for me!) I’ve never been to Rhode Island before, and in […]

A conversation with my mother

Because sometimes they are almost as amusing as conversations with my kids. Scene: My cubicle at the office, around 10 a.m.  My mom called to ask a question. Mom: I’m sorry to bother you at work, but I need to know what that thing is called that my friends gave me at my retirement party. […]

I really need for this week to be over

Dear County Constable Officer: I owe you a sincere thanks for not ticketing my dumb ass as it sped merrily through a 45 mph work zone at 60 miles an hour.  While, um, talking on my cell phone.  I deserved that ticket and we both knew it.  Although to be honest, I’m just glad you […]