The lazy woman’s update

I’ve been sadly remiss in posting anything about the very busy last couple of weeks, and if nothing else I need to get that last post off the top of my home page.  To that end, pitifully short summaries.  With pictures! Over Memorial Day weekend, N and I went to Baltimore for his college roommate’s […]


Good news!  Now, apparently, I am attracting all sorts of pervy googlers.  That’s what I’ve been going for.  I’ve finally achieved my goal of catering to the deviant population of the world.  What did I do to deserve this?  Oh, right.  I watched the (PG-13 rated) movie xXx and reviewed it here (rather half-assedly, I […]


Huh, what do you know. Well, that’s it!  That’s the whole post.  I found that single sentence saved in my drafts just now and am wondering why in the hell I bothered to save it.  I’m also wondering what it is that we were supposed to know, exactly.  Hmm. I don’t really have anything cohesive […]

It takes a village

There’s this kid at school that’s been hassling AE for quite a while now.  At first it didn’t seem like a big deal, and was in fact material for pretty funny school journal entries.  But then it continued.  Almost every day AE would come home saying that Alex S. had punched him in the privates.  […]

Because wine makes everything better

This just in: Life is not fair.  It SHOULD BE, but it IS NOT, and I hate that.  I hate that I can’t make it fair, that I can’t fix unfathomable things that should never have happened.  But I can’t. So.  Rather than sit here and wallow, let’s talk about wine, shall we?  Why, yes, […]