This and that

I managed two whole posts in a row that had a cohesive theme throughout.  Tonight my streak comes to an end. My dryer is a piece of shit, doo-dah, doo-dah* The damn thing has started eating drawstrings.  It happened a few times before, but it was sporadic and so I didn’t think much of it […]

Conversations with AE – School journal version

Every so often AE has free-writing time in class.  I’m not certain of the exact assignment, to be honest, but it’s pretty clear there’s no prompt.  Free-association first-grade style, I suppose.  I think they do it every Monday for sure, as a lot of the entries seem to relate to his weekend activities.  At any […]

Anatomy of a bad movie

If you recall, my husband and I have very different expectations and requirements for what constitutes an enjoyable movie.  He needs intellectual stimulation in his films, which usually includes decent acting and a cohesive, well-written plot.  I require none of these things, and in fact most of the movies I watch can hardly be categorized […]

And so it goes

Life is ridiculously chaotic of late, what with AE’s baseball games and Miss T’s gymnastics and my attempts at training for San Francisco and the usual work/laundry/dinner/bedtime routine, it’s just a little crazy up in here these days.  So instead of a coherent blog post you get a scattered mess of random.  Which is different […]

Conversation from the brink

Of insanity, that is.  Because sometimes it feels like I’m teetering there. Scene:  Kitchen table.  I’m having a sandwich.  Miss T is finishing her (second) dinner (waffles) (don’t judge me) when my mother calls to update me on my grandmother (who was admitted to the hospital for  observation last night).  The boys are at baseball […]