Sick day

The daycare called late yesterday afternoon to inform us that Miss T had produced two, erm, Diapers of a Questionable Nature over the course of the day.  Apparently this means that the child gets sent home, do not pass Go, do not collect $200, and definitely do not come back tomorrow. N and I always […]

Not your typical Oscars post

Back when I actually had time to go to the movies, I used to love the Oscars.  I’d be all excited about it for the entire week before, and would be glued to the TV from the red carpet pre-show all the way until they announced Best Picture. Today, though, I find that I simply […]

Conversations with Miss T: God help us all

Last night, shortly before bath time, Miss T decided she wanted some candy. Miss T:  I wan sum candy. Me:  No ma’am.  You’ve already had candy today. Miss T:  I wan sum candy. Me:  I said no.  You had a lollipop earlier, remember? Miss T:  [climbing into dining room chair]  I wan sum candy. Me:  […]

I love this sort of thing!

Does that make me self-centered?  I totally love answering memes and quizzes and basically getting the opportunity to talk about myself.  Oh well.  I’m always looking for a quick and fun post idea, so many thanks to my friend Allison for posting this over on her blog!  (And I’m late to the party, OF COURSE.  […]

To raise a man

We’ve reached the point with AE where parenting is far less of a physical challenge, but more of a mental one.  And unfortunately, I think this is also the part where you can scar your kid for life.  Twenty years from now, Miss T isn’t likely to recall that I let her cry in her […]