Hard sell

I suppose that some people are easily swayed by TV commercials, promotional gimmicks, magazine ads, pushy salespeople and the like.  Unfortunately for the marketing world at large, I am not one of these people. Scene:  At home, around 9:15 p.m. on a weeknight.  My cell phone rings, from a number I don’t recognize.  I answer anyway. […]

Wine review/PSA

I got a gift certificate to Spec’s for Christmas, which was of course all kinds of exciting.  Even more exciting, when I went to use it I discovered that a Nautico wine I’d been wanting to try was on sale.  Score! This one is a 2006 blend of semillon  (93%) and sauvignon blanc (7%).  Now, […]

A weekend of food and running

Hello!  I’m back!  And rather than bore you with where I’ve been (hint: not Bali), I will just say that I have been exceedingly busy (as usual).  But anyway, blah-dee-blah, I survived.  And in the meantime, N and I managed to get away for Valentine’s Day.  Sort of.

What brings YOU here?

I look forward to the end of the month, because I get my referral stats from Google Analytics (also because that’s when I get my paycheck, but you know.  It’s the little things.)  The keyword searches always make me laugh, and January’s were no exception. Apparently last month people were trolling the internet for the […]

Of all the things to take for granted

I was reading this post of Swistle’s and it (and the comments) got me thinking. I have never lived in a house (or apartment) without a dishwasher.  I mean, yeah, I lived in the dorm my freshman year of college, but there was a dining hall so it wasn’t like I was doing a lot […]