Conspiracy Theory

I’m off work today, because I seriously needed a Mental Health Day.  (Seeeeeeeeeriously, judging from yesterday’s Grand Display of Idiocy and Illiteracy, which is too stupid and embarrassing to even go into, but suffice it to say that I’m pretty sure my coworkers think I’ve totally lost my marbles, like for reals this time.)  My […]

Back, Jack

I switched back to my old green site theme.  The other one hadn’t been exactly what I wanted to begin with, and it had a couple of formatting and navigational issues that I just couldn’t cope with.  Plus it was a little too teeny-bopper angsty.  So, back to the old faithful green, which I have […]

Everything but the kitchen sink….oh.

Second verse, same as the first I am so, so very sick of being exhaustingly busy at work.  Okay, so I know they pay me to DO MY JOB, and that’s fine because in theory I LIKE my job.  However.  That being said, I used to have occasional downtime.  Time where I could catch up […]


Apologies to all you November babies

Today I had the following e-mail exchange with my sister: Sher: I want Thanksgiving: Me: Thanksgiving does sound good, as much as I hate the month of November in general.